Email Marketing

Take your Business forward with Email Marketing

Maybe you are thinking that gone are the days of email marketing. You might also believe that hardly anyone checks email updates these days. But you are wrong. In a lot of countries, email marketing holds its competitive position. Moreover, it is highly economical. For you too, it may be the best possible strategy for your business.

Driven by misconception, most people do not use email marketing. Even those who do it annoy their clients in most cases and fail to get the desired result. Read this article and find out how you can utilize simple email marketing tricks to take your business to the next level.

Email Marketing Strategies

Set a clear goal

You have to first set your goal. Ask yourself a few questions before clicking the ‘send’ button, such as: Is the third email providing what the first and the second haven’t and how likely shall I open and read it as a receiver? If the answer is ‘no’, then take your time and think about what to add or subtract to reach your customers. You need to devise a strategy that you will follow in each stage of the marketing process.

Write a proper and engaging subject line

The first impression regarding your email marketing will be made by its subject line. If it is good the customer will open it, or else it will go straight to the trash. It is highly recommended to use action-oriented verbs. Your subject should express a sense of urgency. Before writing a subject line, think about your objective of what you are trying to achieve. Sending random mail without a goal will take you nowhere.


Follow a Strict Schedule

Don’t let your emails lapse for too long. You should send emails at least once a month; ideally, send them once a week so that your customers can remember you. You can follow a few strategies to grab the attention of your readers. The newsletters having updates about products and services along with a personal message and greetings can be effective. It will develop a dependable relationship between you and your customers.

Check Grammar and Typos

Once you click the send button, you won’t be able to get the mail back to edit or proofread it. So it is wise to read each email very carefully before sending it. ‘Err not, repent not’, goes the old saying.

Have a clear call-to-action

The call-to-action (CTA) drives the reader to take an action like shop during a sale, view the new collection, or schedule a consultation, etc. Simply posting ‘enter your email for updates’ can’t be your call-to-action. Instead, consider sharing specifics. By sharing a specific call to action you can get more people to subscribe. You can add your CTA as a text link or on a button. Select a CTA that spells out exactly what you want customers to do. Use forceful language, for example, Shop Now, Sign Up, Schedule a Session, etc. It is the best strategy to keep the link copy short, but you can provide relevant contexts like sale details or news about the collection.

Provide special offers for signing up

When it comes to motivating people to sign up, consider offering them something in return.

Capture email addresses through website pop-ups

You can put an email signup box anywhere on your website. It can be placed as a footer, in the middle of a blog post, at the top, or in the sidebar. But many businesses have found that pop-ups or light-boxes are most likely to work.

Design the email template effectively

Bear it in mind that your email highlights your brand. The template should be aligned with your website and any other touchpoints, like the ads and merchandise. You need to use colors, fonts, and images effectively as well. Moreover, the logo of your company can become your trademark. Creating a responsive email template is a must. The template should automatically adapt to all the screen sizes.

Segment your lists

You need to do personalization to address the specific needs of your clients. You can do this by depending on details about your customer, such as what they’ve purchased recently, where they live, or the day and time they normally open your emails. You can send an email with product recommendations based on things you know they bought in the past, or a reminder that they still have something in their shopping cart, or tell them that there is an event at their local store. People will consider them relevant and more likely read them.

When you take time to list your audience, you are actually saving up a lot of your time. It makes communication better as well. Segregation is a good strategy because it gives the customers the chance to choose. You can send an update only to those who did not open your last message or who showed interest. You can also perform a split test to find out the best practices.

Build automated email sequences

You can use automated email sequences as a strategy. For this, you can use email automation platforms, like MailChimp, Drip, and Constant Contact to save your time. Let me explain how auto responder can make your life hassle free. If you have just started an email list you’ll have time to personally respond to every new subscriber. But, as time passes, you may get complex campaigns, and for time constraints, you cannot follow each of them. An autoresponder does it for you. The emails are sent out automatically according to your set schedule. By scheduling a set of emails to send in advance, you can avoid long time- lapse.

You can read Facebook Marketing here 

Time the delivery

The best time to deliver emails depends on a host of different factors, such as your location, industry, and the goals. You might prefer to carry out a test to figure out when the open and click-through rates are the highest for each type of email. The reports that you will receive will provide you with valuable information about when certain audiences will open what kind of emails.

Focus on the right metrics

You should have knowledge about the most important metrics to track email marketing campaigns. In case of email marketing, you can check for engagement, open rates, and CTR. These will help you to understand what type of content your audience best responds to and will give you metrics to guide your interaction. For example, if your open rate is low, it usually means you have a lot of unengaged subscribers. Again click-through rate, or CTR shows how many people have clicked on a link (if any) in your email. If it is low, it means that your message is not targeted enough, or simply is not getting through. In this case, it is advisable to focus on improving your copy.

If you have ignored email marketing it will surely hurt your business. Whether you want to build your brand, promote a new product or service, or drive some last-minute holiday sales, email marketing will serve you as a powerful tool to boost them.




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